Collection: Haru Haru Wonder

Haru Haru Wonder brand story

Haru Haru is the Korean term for “day by day” and that's exactly what Haru Haru Wonder, is all about. This lifestyle skincare brand promotes honest beauty through a daily skincare routine - making sure that no matter how busy you are, you can still take care of your skin on a regular basis. Haru Haru Wonder is the go-to source for natural, effective skincare products. Every single Haru Haru product is formulated with natural ingredients, using advanced fermentation and biotechnology to maximize the potency of each ingredient. With Haru Haru Wonder, you can confidently incorporate these daily essentials into your routine, knowing that you will be rewarded with nourished skin and a glowing complexion.

Which service did they launched with us?

Before Haru Haru Wonder could invest in any marketing strategies for their latest products which are Black Rice Hyaluronic Toner, Black Rice Hyaluronic Essence, Honey Green Brilliant Cream, etc. They knew they needed to gather feedback and insight from customers in the Vietnam market. To achieve this goal, they partnered with us to launch a comprehensive review and market research campaign.

[Product image]

Haru Haru Wonder made a smart move when they decided to launch campaigns that gathered customer feedback about their products. By doing this, Haru Haru Wonder was able to gain valuable insight into what features customers liked and disliked about the product, allowing them to make improvements and further tailor their offerings to meet consumer's needs. Not only does this ensure customers are always satisfied and content with their purchases, it also helps Haru Haru Wonder remain competitive in an ever-evolving market.

How did Beauty Tech Labs do it?

1/ Beauty Tech Labs inspired the potential beauty reviewers:

To successfully execute a review and market research campaign, it was essential to ignite the thrill in potential beauty reviewers. To do this, we devoted nearly two weeks to promote the product by talking about its features, narratives related to the brand, and more. We featured them on our website banners and social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, as well as included them in our newsletters. This generated an incredible amount of engagement and interest from beauty reviewers who were excited to try out the new range for themselves. 


2/ Beauty Tech Labs were selective in choosing the right beauty reviewers for the product:

We knew that the right target audience's product feedback could potentially make or break Haru Haru Wonder's sales, so we took extra care when selecting beauty reviewers to trial their products. We were very selective and only gave away our products to those who fit the desired demographic. With this approach, we are confident that the reviews generated will give a reliable idea of how well the product is received by its intended market.


When beauty reviewers shared their reviews on social media, they created a ripple effect that was extremely beneficial for the product's success. This is because their friends who saw the review were more likely to become potential leads of the product. To make sure we capitalized on this opportunity, we measured our targets carefully and selectively gave out products in order to get meaningful reviews that would help the brand in the long run.

3/ Beauty Tech Labs packed the product with care:

At our company, we are highly aware of how important packaging can be with regards to product reviews. To ensure an impeccable presentation, we took extreme care in meticulously planning out every detail of our packaging process. As part of our product launch, we decided to go the extra mile in creating an unforgettable packaging experience. We crafted a Pretty Box that radiated with Haru Haru Wonder's branding and positioning. To take it one step further, we thoughtfully sprayed the box with a delicate perfume scent that simply enhanced the overall luxuriousness. Our goal was to make sure the beauty reviewers were amazed when they opened up the package - and it worked!


From the moment the beauty reviewers had a chance to test the product, they were blown away by its amazing features. A word about this remarkable item quickly spread like wildfire - individuals shared their positive experiences on social media platforms such as Instagram stories and Facebook posts. The rapturous reaction given by these reviewers has been an affirmation of how truly awe-inspiring this product is!


4/ Beauty Tech Labs guided the beauty reviewers to write the detailed feedbacks:

Here at Beauty Tech Labs, we value honesty and transparency when it comes to product reviews. We have created a comprehensive guide for our beauty reviewers on how to evaluate products fairly. Our guide takes into account factors such as packaging, ingredients, functions, and overall impressions. Through a strict evaluation process, we guarantee that each product is assessed objectively and fairly - free from any bias or personal opinion. By doing this, our customers gain access to trustworthy reviews and accurate evaluations that help them make informed decisions about the products they are interested in buying.


At our company, we believe that educating our beauty reviewers on taking aesthetically pleasing images and videos of the products is essential for providing thorough reviews. With detailed reviews that include stunning visuals, our customers can have an easier time understanding their potential purchase and make more informed decisions. We strive to provide customers with all the information necessary to give them a complete understanding of what they're buying so that they feel confident in their selection.


How did our review & market research campaign turn out:

Haru Haru Wonder's product review and market research campaign were an outstanding success! We gathered 120 detailed reviews, plus a whopping 100+ social media posts. This allowed us to go far beyond the products specs, and determine its target audiencesUnique Selling Point (USP), as well as uncover any pros or cons that could affect sales and usage. Our expertise in market analysis proved to be invaluable when it came to aiding our client's product. We provided strategic advice that would help their product differentiate itself from the competition would maximize the product's sales potential. With our knowledge of competitors, we were able to generate strategies for our clients so they could remain one step ahead and continue their success in the industry.


After we implemented our strategy and created unique selling points for Haru Haru Wonder, we had no doubts that the product would be a success in the market because of how well it was planned out beforehand. It's even more gratifying knowing that our efforts were part of an immensely successful project - one that has allowed Haru Haru Wonder to launch their product with confidence.

The bottom line

When launching a beauty brand or product in South East Asia, gaining an understanding of customer insights is absolutely essential. This culturally and economically diverse region requires the utmost precision and accuracy when it comes to market research, as local preferences and trends vary so greatly. By truly understanding what the locals want from beauty brands and products, companies can tailor their offerings for maximum success. We are proud to have helped our past customers successfully gain traction and establish themselves within their industries. Our services include review and research of your brand's potential, allowing us to provide a comprehensive report on what you can achieve. If you'd like to hear more about how we can help you create a winning strategy, don't hesitate to contact us!

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